Create mock precompiles
Mock precompiles are essential for end-to-end testing of the Basic Agent.
This article explains how to build and test three mock precompiles:
- Slinky, mocking the
precompile - Warden, mocking the
precompile - Async, mocking the
1. Create mock precompiles
1.1. Create a Slinky precompile
In a file MockSlinkyPrecompile.sol
, implement a mock of the x/oracle
precompile. Its goal is to provide oracle price feeds, set prices for testing, and ensure error handling for missing prices.
You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockSlinkyPrecompile.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.25 <0.9.0;
import { GetPriceResponse, QuotePrice, ISlinky } from "precompile-slinky/ISlinky.sol";
contract MockSlinkyPrecompile is ISlinky {
mapping(string base => mapping(string quote => uint256 price)) private prices;
function getPrice(
string calldata base,
string calldata quote
) external view returns (GetPriceResponse memory response) {
uint256 price = prices[base][quote];
require(price != 0, "Price not set");
// Price data with additional metadata
QuotePrice memory quotePrice = QuotePrice({
blockHeight: block.number, // The current block for testing
blockTimestamp: block.timestamp,
price: price
return GetPriceResponse({
id: 0,
nonce: 0,
decimals: 9,
price: quotePrice
1.2. Create a Warden precompile
In a file MockWardenPrecompile.sol
, implement a mock of the x/warden
precompile. Its goal is to manage keys and signature requests .
You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockWardenPrecompile.sol
contract MockWardenPrecompile {
mapping(uint64 => KeyResponse) private keys;
mapping(uint64 => bool) private goodKeys;
// A key response simulation
function keyById(
uint64 id,
int32[] calldata
) external view returns (KeyResponse memory key) {
return KeyResponse({
key: PublicKey({
publicKey: abi.encodePacked(
metadata: new bytes(0)
// Realistic signing behavior
function newSignRequest(
uint64 keyId,
bytes calldata txHash,
bytes[] calldata analyzers,
bytes calldata encryptionKey,
Types.Coin[] calldata fees,
uint64 spaceNonce,
uint64 actionTimeoutHeight,
string calldata expectedApproveExpression,
string calldata expectedRejectExpression,
BroadcastType broadcastType
) external view returns (bool) {
// Validate inputs
require(txHash.length == 32, "Invalid transaction hash");
require(bytes(expectedApproveExpression).length > 0, "Empty approve expression");
return goodKeys[keyId];
1.3. Create an Async precompile
In a file MockAsyncPrecompile.sol
, implement a mock of the x/async
precompile for creating and tracking Futures. Note that this precompile is required only for automated Orders with price prediction.
You can find the full code on GitHub: /mocks/MockAsyncPrecompile.sol
contract MockAsyncPrecompile is IAsync {
uint64 public futuresCount = 0;
mapping(uint64 id => FutureByIdResponse output) public _futures;
mapping(address orderAddress => address orderCreator) public orders;
function addFuture(
string calldata handler,
bytes calldata input
) external returns (uint64 futureId)
futureId = uint64(++futuresCount);
Future memory future = Future({
id: futureId,
// solhint-disable-next-line
creator: tx.origin,
handler: handler,
input: input
FutureVote[] memory emptyVotes = new FutureVote[](0);
bytes memory emptySubmitter;
FutureResult memory futureResult = FutureResult({
id: futureId,
output: input,
submitter: emptySubmitter
FutureResponse memory futureResponse = FutureResponse({
future: future,
votes: emptyVotes,
result: futureResult
_futures[futureId] = FutureByIdResponse({
futureResponse: futureResponse
function futureById(
uint64 futureId
) external view returns (FutureByIdResponse memory response) {
response = _futures[futureId];
function futures(
Types.PageRequest calldata,
) external pure returns (FuturesResponse memory) {
// solhint-disable-next-line
function pendingFutures(
Types.PageRequest calldata
) external pure returns (PendingFuturesResponse memory) {
// solhint-disable-next-line
2. Test precompiles
2.1. Create a helper contract
Create a helper contract for testing mock precompiles:
contract PrecompileTestHelper {
MockSlinkyPrecompile internal slinky;
MockWardenPrecompile internal warden;
function setUp() public {
// Deploy and configure mocks
slinky = new MockSlinkyPrecompile();
warden = new MockWardenPrecompile();
// Inject mock addresses
vm.etch(ISLINKY_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(slinky).code);
vm.etch(IWARDEN_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(warden).code);
// A price scenario helper
function setupPriceScenario(
string memory base,
string memory quote,
uint256 initialPrice,
uint256 targetPrice
) internal {
.setPrice(base, quote, initialPrice);
// Simulate a price change
skip(1 hours);
.setPrice(base, quote, targetPrice);
2.3. Create test scenarios
To create a scenario for testing the price feed, use code below:
contract SlinkyTest is PrecompileTestHelper {
function testPriceMovement() public {
// Set up a price scenario
setupPriceScenario("ETH", "USD", 3000e9, 3500e9);
// Test the Order execution
Types.OrderData memory orderData = createTestOrder(
3200e9, // The threshold
BasicOrder order = new BasicOrder(
new CommonTypes.Coin[](0),
function testPriceFeedErrors() public {
vm.expectRevert("Price not set");
slinky.getPrice("UNKNOWN", "PAIR");
} -
To test transaction signing, use the following:
contract WardenTest is PrecompileTestHelper {
function testSigningFlow() public {
// Set up keys
warden.addKey(1, true); // A valid key
warden.addKey(2, false); // An invalid key
// Test successful signing
Types.SignRequestData memory goodRequest = createSignRequest(1);
// Test failed signing
Types.SignRequestData memory badRequest = createSignRequest(2);
function testInvalidInputs() public {
vm.expectRevert("Empty approve expression");
Types.SignRequestData memory invalidRequest = createSignRequest(1);
invalidRequest.expectedApproveExpression = "";
3. Use precompiles in scripts
This is how you can use precompiles in scripts:
contract CreateOrder is Script {
function run(
uint256 thresholdPrice,
Types.PriceCondition priceCondition,
Types.PricePair memory pricePair
) public {
// Set up mock precompiles
MockSlinkyPrecompile mSlinky = new MockSlinkyPrecompile();
MockWardenPrecompile mWarden = new MockWardenPrecompile();
// Configure the initial state
vm.etch(ISLINKY_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(mSlinky).code);
mSlinky.setPrice(pricePair.base, pricePair.quote, thresholdPrice);
vm.etch(IWARDEN_PRECOMPILE_ADDRESS, address(mWarden).code);
mWarden.addKey(1, true);
// Create and verify an Order
BasicOrder order = createOrder(/* params */);
require(order.canExecute(), "Order cannot execute");
Next steps
After creating mock precompiles, you can implement the execution interface.